all postcodes in CO6 / COLCHESTER

find any address or company within the CO6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO6 5AA 1 0 52.005046 0.899355
CO6 5AB 6 0 52.000675 0.892064
CO6 5AD 14 0 52.00075 0.896511
CO6 5AE 6 2 51.997686 0.891055
CO6 5AG 9 0 52.003088 0.903264
CO6 5AH 24 0 52.006411 0.900536
CO6 5AL 11 5 52.007226 0.902148
CO6 5AN 3 0 52.008231 0.902228
CO6 5AQ 3 0 51.998826 0.903571
CO6 5AR 38 0 52.006638 0.903742
CO6 5AS 11 0 52.007763 0.905505
CO6 5AT 5 0 52.01251 0.910111
CO6 5AU 1 0 52.012827 0.916224
CO6 5AX 1 0 52.013135 0.915954
CO6 5AY 6 0 52.021266 0.915215
CO6 5BA 18 1 52.026315 0.913954
CO6 5BB 18 0 52.022592 0.912867
CO6 5BD 6 0 52.023449 0.909861
CO6 5BE 23 0 52.02283 0.909791
CO6 5BG 20 0 52.022006 0.910744